Order a key to decode captcha

To fill your old key, click the BuyNow button and check the bottom of the page and fill it there. As we allow some little over-usage of the credits on your key, your balance may be negative and so if you refill e.g. 5000 credits, you may see only e.g. 4997 credits there after refilling. That's in fact correct as you have used e.g. 3 extra credits.

Here one credit means one correctly decoded captcha.













Need customized softwares building? Contact us with your requirement, and we will give you a quote.

Now, you can buy 1,000,000 package at $5500. BUY IT NOW.

Now, you can buy 10,000,000 package at $50,000. BUY IT NOW.

Now, you can buy 100,000,000 package at $400,000. BUY IT NOW.

If you do not want to manually order month, you can subscribe to our monthly subscription. Do not worry, all your unused credits at end of each month will be kept.

2,000 credits added monthly - Buy it
5,000 credits added monthly - Buy it
20,000 credits added monthly - Buy it
100,000 credits added monthly - Buy it
1,000,000 credits added monthly - Buy it

Make sure to check your spambox for our mails. Or you may need to add our address support@bypasscaptcha.com and daizisheng@gmail.com into your white list.

You can register for low balance notification on page Tools.

Plimus may be a little slow on processing your payment. If you need urgent credits, please kindly arrange your payment before credits used up. If you need more help, please kindly Contact Us

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Software vendors, we offer a new opportunity for you to earn more by integrating our service into your softwares.